четверг, 24 октября 2013 г.


Fashion, or clothing style, is always changing. Fashion is never permanent. A style that is popular one year is out of style the next.After the First World War the clothes of the swinging 1920s shocked many people.Punk fashions were as aggressive as punk music, which arrived in the 1970s. Punks chose the less conventional hairstyles possible.In many countries today people wear modern fashions most of the time. They sometimes wear their traditional clothing on special days such as holidays.Fashion is more than clothing.People will spend much of their time and money trying to look like the ideal man or woman.Many people, especially young people, take no notice of the clothes the designers produce. They wear things which express their ideas and feelings about life.Some young people, of course, have fun with all the latest "street styles". They cut their hair into strange shapes, wear lots of cheap jewellery or paint their lips blue. These "street styles" come and go. Clothes with a sporty look are popular. They make people look healthy and energetic.

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